BlackTalkTony's Blog

A No-Nonsense Blog About Black Americans

Comment On The Black Aldermen Ward Remapping Proposal

I had to post this comment written by a reader.  Very detailed and to the point!




If Alderman Sawyer plans to vote to support the Black Caucus map at the expense of the voters who got him elected in the 6th Ward, then I say he should be a ONE TERM ALDERMAN!

Anyone who would support that incompetent, ego-tripping, imperialist acting, brainy smurf, Alderman Brookins, should go by the wayside. This new map would so hideously impact Chatham voters by making our home and automobile insurance go up because our strong base of middle class communities in the ward would no longer exist. So when the bean counters finish looking at the per capita numbers, we would suffer penalties that would include the above and also affect our property values as well!

It would make Chatham, given the other blights we are now fighting, unattractive beyond compare in our efforts to get younger families to move here. This is an aging ward, people, with most residents over 55 years of age living in the ward. Residents in Chatham are averaging even older–– probably 72 years old or more.

As for Brookins, I hope someone will start the drive to assist voters in his ward for PAYBACK! The kind of PAYBACK SUPPORT to make sure he loses his office at the next election. His ward needs us to rescue them from his fiefdom manner!

Oh, so you, Alderman Brookins plan to give 9th Ward Alderman Beale part of the 6th Ward to be fair. As well as handing over a piece of our ward to you (Brookins) too! This is the kind of slick move that will eventually cost Brookins any ambitions he has for a bigger office in the future. WE AREN’T GOING TO FORGET THIS!

If 6th Ward voters are paying attention, they should know Brookins has always taken issue with the strength and independence of the 6th ward voter. He has never liked that we question his motives across the Dan Ryan if they don’t seem to be firmly fitting with our community’s concerns. Like we never go on his side to shop! I am hoping none of us will forget this if Brookins recommended map gets approved! For his own petty political reasons and for the sake of his own ambitions, he would sacrifice one of the few wards where the black middle-class has historically flourished!

I’m hoping black voters in the old 6th Ward, as we are splintered via this new map, remember to dog him the rest of his career. This has nothing to do with being equitable as much as it has to do with helping another incompetent like Alderman Beale stay in office. Though ultimately, he will probably lose anyway. Beale along with some other black Aldermen need to be thrown under the bus simply because at best they were functioning do-nothings and Daley lackeys.

And is it true that Beale is so scared of folks in our ward that he has asked that the blocks Richard Wooten lives on stay in the 6th Ward? This way, Beale won’t be aggressively challenged in the next aldermanic election he runs in?

All in all, I will be sicken if Sawyer sucks up to the Black Caucus and bends over to kiss Brookins’ ring. If he does, heed this warning, Alderman Sawyer–– Find another office to run for because the rest of voters remaining in the 6th Ward will be gunning for YOU! And rightly so!

P.S. It’s time for black voters to stop licking the boots of the professional, black career alderman. It’s time for us to vote for only 25 aldermen and see how the whole political landscape gets shaken up! These people are in it only for their own benefit. This is the real reason that black communities have been on the demise. You just can’t attribute everything to white folks anymore. MOST BLACK ALDERMEN SUPPORTED DALEY–LOOK AT THE PUBLIC RECORDS!

This is not a slick, white boy move for 25 aldermen, as much as it is a new day move that should remove the blinders from the eyes of black voters who are still wanting to believe that the Black Caucus is really concerned about our lives. NOT TRUE!!

It’s a New Year! Let’s DEMAND a New Beginning! We should be smart enough to sieve through the bull that most black, incumbent aldermen feed us and determine who should be kept in a 25 man council–-if any.
Actually, it would be an opportunity for a political renaissance that might allow for newer, unencumbered candidates to emerge without that old school taint of wanting the council seat for personal advancement.



Once again, very detailed on many levels.

Black citizens who STRIVE for better lives are being attacked!  They are being lumped in with people who STRIVE for nothing!


If you’re going to comment on Irate’s comment, try to stick to the facts.  Readers to my blog know I have no respect for mindless or “excuse making” emotions.  Don’t repeat what was said in different words (some of you often do that).  Add something to the discussion.  It’s fine if you want to disagree, as long as you can back it up.

January 15, 2012 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments